Saturday, September 29, 2012


"A B C.... D E F G... H I J.. K L M N O P.. Q R S... & T UV... W X.. & Y Z!"

"Macy, stop we get it, chipmunk!"

"ONE MO..."


"Yes, Mommy! Yeeessaaassss!"

Nicki smiled and pulled her chair close to hers. They sat at the dinner table talking about their day and Macy was being rude because Marquez had been rude to her. She giggled and squirmed as her Mommy tickled her.

"No Mommy NO!"

"Are you going to stop?"

"Yep, I'll stop if you stop."

"No, are you going to stop Muffin?"

"Yes, YES!"

Macy sat up and played with the string on her mother's sweats. I'm a little tea pot.... Oh. She watched as she saw the baby's small fist go across her mom's stomach. She put her hand on it and waited for it to do it again, but nothing happen.

"Mommy, the baby left."

"No baby, it stop..."

"It? Why you don't call it a name?"

"Because I don't know if it's a boy or a girl."

"Mommy, Linda told me the baby was in water inside of you like a fish, and I learned that fish can turn into boys and girls, so what if its a girl and it turn into a boy, will it have two names?"

Everyone at the table howled out after she nearly spit out her statement like she didn't have time to talk. Nicki smiled shaking her head. What's funny?

"Baby, that's not how people work."

"Then what?"

"It will come either a boy or a girl. No changing..."

"Well in this day...."


She dead faced him as Macy stared at her to finish. She looked back at her and grabbed her face.

"When you get older you'll understand."

"So when I'm seven, you tell me."

"Much older."

"Don't forget cause I won't."

She stated getting off the chair and putting her plate in front of SB. He looked her over and put some peas and chicken on her plate.


"Macy, sweetie get up."

"Mommy, why? It's Sunday."

"You're going to church with Grammy."

"No, I want to stay here with you and Daddy."

"We're going too, now get up."

Macy got up and went to the bathroom. She stood next to the tub and waited for Nicki with her eyes still closed. Nicki walked over and started the water then sat on the tub helping Macy out of her PJs.

"Mommy, I'm tired and I smell good."

"Macy, do not play with me."


Macy stepped in the tub now staring at her mother with dark gray eyes. She looked over and grabbed her bath towel then handed it to Nic. Nicki washed over her small body.

"Mommy, I can do it myself. Daddy let me do it when you were at work."

"Oh, he did? Alright."

"Um huh."


Macy walked down the aisles of the church with her hand in Nicki's and watched all the big hats around the sanctuary. She smiled at the few older women and men, who smiled at her. That lady has a big hat. She crawled across the pew towards a lady with a big yellow hat with silver lining in it. She smiled at the lady as she reached up and grabbed her hat.


"Macy Tanya Samuels!"

Macy whipped her head towards Nicki and grinned while walking back to her. Nicki grabbed her arm and pulled her out to the bathroom. Macy frowned as her Mommy scolded her.

"Don't show out today and right now Macy."

"I just want..."

"You don't know that lady and you need to stop being so nosy."

"Mommy, I'm sorry."

"I love you babe just stop being so busy."

Macy nodded kicking her legs back and forth. She smiled as her mommy helped her down then they made their way back to the sanctuary.

"Mommy, where's everyone else?"

"At the top."

"I want to go to the top!"

"Shhhh... Macy."

Macy began to cry as the pastor began to speak. Nicki grabbed her hand and placed her hand over her mouth. Macy laid across her Mommy's lap. She listened to the talking of the preacher until she dozed off thinking about "God".

Macy opened her eyes to see the lady from earlier over her. She smiled at the lady's warm smile crossing her face. The lady was of dark color, flawless skin and pretty white teeth. Her smile was like Linda's, but tight lipped. Macy and the lady watched each other as the service came to an end.

"Come on baby."

"We going to see Dadd... DADDY!"

Macy hopped up into his arms and smiled as he tickled her. She giggled and squirmed. SB put her down then looked over to Nicki. She walked over to him and squeezed his hand.

"Baby.. I think it's time."

"What time?"

She looked down then back up to him. He made an O with his mouth and scooped her up as he tugged on Macy.

"Go Macy. We have to go."

"What happen?"

"Mommy's having the baby!"


They raced out the door and to the car where the kids all sat in the car laughing and relaxing. Maddy looked over and stood up walking towards them.

"Get in the car, your mother's water broke!"

"Mommy's having my baby sister brother."

They entered the hospital and went straight to a room minutes after getting there. Nicki was laid on the bed with her legs up. The doctor's told her that she was showing no signs of labor and checked her out anyways while she was there. Everyone stood in the room as the doctor checked on the baby.

"Big Baby."

"Feels like it."

"Looks like it."

Maddy stated smiling over at Nicki. Nicki rolled her eyes as they all watched the monitor. The baby moved around as SB unintentionally put his hand on her stomach.

"Woah, he's kicking a lot."


Nicki smiled at the doctor's slip up. Macy stood up and bounced around yelling that she had a little brother. Her excitement caused Nicki to smile and the Baby's heart beat to pick up as it look to be dancing inside her. They all laughed at the monitor and Macy.


  1. Lmaoooo how she just gon take that old lady hat off like that tho? Awwww they're having a boy cute! Lmaoooo false alarm

  2. Awwww this was mad cute not qj getting some girl prego and Macy lol that child that child.. Linda smh she should have kept her vCard like I don't understand why she would do something like that to her self... Sad because one day she will feel bad about the whole thing..

  3. Hmm its kinda creepy how that lady was watching Macy. Aww @ them almost about to have the baby.

  4. K who was the lady staring at Macy and Macy is a bad little busy body. Aww she's having a boy and If she not in labor then she just peed on herself????

  5. Waittttt who is that lady?? Is it the other kids grandma or is it they crazy ass real mother hmm. Aww Nicki's having the baby and it's a boy.^_^ -@NickiDopeAF

  6. Awhhhhh this chapterrr is cuteeeeeee

  7. Awwww " Mommy's Having My Baby Sister Brother " Lmaoo That Was Mad Cute. But Macy Is Bad !! O.o
